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easter eggs colouring pics. Easter Egg Coloring Pages
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  • guywithabike
    Aug 31, 12:33 PM
    I'll add fuel to the fire and mention that I just ordered a MacBook yesterday but it's not scheduled to ship out until the 11th. This is usually a good sign of updated machines. However, I'm not expecting Core 2 Duos or anything. A small speed bump would be nice, though.

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter egg coloring page
  • Easter egg coloring page

  • miyamoto
    Nov 9, 02:37 PM
    Some time back there was a post of someone swapping out a cpu in an Imac. Does anyone know if someone has managed to swap out the core 2 duo cpu yet? I assume they still arent soldered?

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  • easter eggs coloring pages

  • donlphi
    Sep 6, 07:41 PM
    I don't think low rez is even an option for TV viewing, apple wouldn't release something they'd know was doomed to fail.


    Apple III
    The Newton
    The G4 Cube
    The Apple Hi-Fi (who the hell got suckered into that one?)
    I swear steve jobs had a nephew or something that he let design a product for the iPOD. What a worthless system that is. IT FITS ON THE SHELF, BUT NOT WITH AN IPOD IN IT!!! GENIUS!!

    Do I really need to keep listing things?

    All this Disney talk and it could get ugly at the iTUNES Movie Store.

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  • easter eggs colouring pics.

  • buffalo
    Sep 16, 07:28 AM
    I'll believe it when I see it. These phone rumors are getting old.

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  • easter egg coloring pages

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 4, 12:35 PM
    it's just like the whole Raoul Moat thing here in the UK, he killed I don't know how many people, injured others, shot a Police Officer in the face with a shotgun, and people still said it was wrong to kill him, SERIOUSLY!

    I say well done to the Security Guard, i just hope he is commentated for doing the right thing, and lives the rest of his life peacefully.

    Its simple lots of people just have issue with emotions of revenge I for one have not one ounce of issue with it. But then most people have never been a victim of crime so its hard for them to visualize the danger. You pull a gun and point and if I can I will put you down without hesitation but most people will just coward as they get shot.

    Kudos to the security guard for probably saving other people lives even if they don't realize it.

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  • easter eggs coloring in.

  • jeremyb66
    Apr 4, 12:01 PM
    This is what you get when you (criminals) don't want to be part of society!! Take note criminals there will be REAL! repercussions for your actions.

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter Eggs Coloring Page
  • Easter Eggs Coloring Page

  • iRobby
    Apr 22, 03:00 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?

    Not sure how I feel about this or if I'd use it til details are released by Apple. For those not interested know this is an option we can continue using our hard drives on desktops as well as IOS Devices like we are now. Personally, I may just use DropBox for access to all my files including music unless this program has major industry revolutionary characteristics.

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  • the easter eggs coloring pages

  • berkleeboy210
    Sep 13, 11:16 PM
    I'm calling for another invite to go out w/ in the next 2 weeks saying "One More Thing" and we'll get the phone and the true vPod

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter egg colouring session
  • easter egg colouring session

  • aricher
    Oct 12, 12:58 PM
    Oh Bono...


    I hope he sterilized that cheek with a blowtorch after the show. Whatever, at least he's a whore for good causes.

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  • Dagless
    Apr 30, 06:57 PM
    I agree, far better looking and beautiful, however not as cpu/gpu demanding

    True, although after inspecting some hardware benchmarks it still cuts computers in half when using the Ultra settings. At least for the same performance cut as Metro 2033 on high.

    easter eggs colouring pics. Blank Easter Egg Coloring
  • Blank Easter Egg Coloring

  • psxndc
    Sep 5, 02:18 PM
    I don't usually speculate, but I find it interesting "Showtime" is capitalized. Could the downloads be part of some partnership with the cable channel? Just wild speculation on my part.


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  • RoelJuun
    Apr 22, 08:51 AM
    It would take so much space when everybody uploads their own library to Apple's data center(s). You'd have countless double songs on their servers, all with different sizes, bitrates etc. One single file (with backups etc.) would be more efficient. But I like to keep my own file info/cover art etc. So what will the size of our own disk be? I hope more than my iPod Shuffle…

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs coloring sheets.
  • easter eggs coloring sheets.

  • kbmb
    Mar 29, 11:11 AM
    Remember, having the largest market share != the best experience.

    Good for MSFT if they can get back in the game. If anything I look forward to Google and MSFT battling it out. Apple needs these two to help drive their own innovation forward.


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  • Green Easter Egg Colouring Cup

  • MasterTick
    Apr 4, 12:51 PM
    Coming from a "Gun Person" (Own a HK .45 USP Tactical w/ GEMTECH Suppressor)

    ...All this "well they had it coming" BS is totally misplaced, the man who died was a human being. I only hope that the guard did not instigate the shooting.

    If you read the article you would see it was justified.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring
  • easter eggs colouring

  • srxtr
    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    They're really not going to let this go are they...

    Companies REALLY want to use "App Store" instead of coming up with their own.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring pages to
  • easter eggs colouring pages to

  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 12:56 PM
    if samsung stops providing displays to apple, it would be the best thing ever..NO MORE YELLOW TINT ISSUES!!!

    Right. No screens - no tint. Great solution.

    Yeah, because Samsung doesn't have a huge interest in Apple buying it's product. If you think being dropped as a vendor for Apple's consumption of 40 + million iPad screens and iPhone screens, per year, wouldn't hurt, you're delusional.

    No they don't,. Apple is just 4% of their sales. Apple, on the other hand, can hardly release any hardware (with exception of battery chargers, perhaps) without Samsung components.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring pages to
  • easter eggs colouring pages to

  • MattyMac
    Sep 5, 06:02 PM
    My nano is already on eBay awaiting a nice metal clad 8GB version, I hope they do an andonised black one though to match my other gadgets.
    nice....I'm sure it will be a good time to pick up an older generation on ebay...once they are released that is. This week is the sellers market however.

    easter eggs colouring pics. COLOR PICTURES OF EASTER EGGS

  • MrMac'n'Cheese
    Apr 4, 12:19 PM
    Maybe a shot to the head was a bit much, but that's an occupational hazard for thiefs, no sympathy here.

    The guard deserves a medal for protecting one of Steve's altars.

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  • sord
    Sep 10, 02:53 PM
    Dare I dream? How about a quad processor quad core system! 16 cores in all!!!

    I hope they at least keep dual processors in the pro machines if they start using these so we get 8 cores. Then toss one of these suckers in a mini.

    Sep 9, 01:55 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    MacCentral posted (http://www.macworld.com/2006/09/firstlooks/imacbench/index.php) a first look at the new Core 2 Duo iMac along with some early benchmarks.

    The new iMacs which were released on Wednesday (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060906091309.shtml) incorporate the latest Core 2 Duo processor from Intel. The Core 2 Duo represents the continuation of the Core Duo line which first made its appearance in Apple computers in January. Intel has maintained that the new chips would provide roughly 20% improvement in performance.

    MacCentral tested the new 17" 2GHz iMac and 20" 2.16GHz iMac and compared them to the previous 20" 2GHz Core Duo and the 2.66GHz Mac Pro.

    The most direct comparison between the two processors comes between the 17" 2GHz Core 2 Duo iMac and the 20" 2GHz Core Duo iMac. The overall score was 10% better in the new model while the individual tests showed gains up to 20%.

    Wonder how the 24" iMac at 2.33GHz will fare.

    Sep 14, 10:08 AM
    So is this a stevenote or not? i think that might hint at what caliber of goodies are coming

    curious about that myself. historically, have there been "special events" like this without a stevenote? (or a philnote, for that matter)

    i think that just aperture would not justify a stevenote, but more than just aperture might (tho aperture would be the primary subject)

    Mar 23, 04:48 PM

    Apr 28, 04:05 PM

    *jumps into Windows 7 in Parallels to check it out again*

    "Awesome???" :confused:

    Don't worry, Windows 8 will be even better. Its going to have a built in PDF reader called "Modern Reader." Too bad Linux and OSX have had built in PDF readers for a decade now. Typical Microsoft, "if you can't beat them, copy them!"


    Apr 25, 10:01 AM
    He's definitely lying about some stuff

    How true, and she would have deserved to get it keyed. Why can't my mom or dad be a rich lawyer or doctor or something like that?

    In less than 3 years, your mom went to law school, passed the bar exam, and became the top attorney in the biggest law firm in your state? Impressive.
