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  • Nobita
    Mar 7, 04:05 PM
    What about the mid 2009 white MacBooks?

    That was the last non-LED white MacBook. Is there a firmware update for that to unlock support for 8 GB RAM?

    I think none the white (plastic) macbook ever supports 8GB of RAM... Sorry for you, but I think 4GB is more than enough for everyday use... Unless you're a professional photographer or videographer that uses big big softwares :D

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  • iCrizzo
    May 4, 02:41 PM
    Anyone know if there's an app that saves similar data? I travel a fair bit and found the mapping quite nice to display.

    Google Latitude.. use your phone then you can check it when logged in to your google account on your desktop/laptop by going to https://www.google.com/latitude then click the history tab.

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  • Seasought
    Dec 2, 09:45 AM
    The wearer may not realize that the sensor is normally on (it can be switched off), and that another person or monitoring system could track their location from as far as 60 feet away.

    I don't recall the university name, but there was a map system that would allow students to voluntarily list themselves, live at all times, as to where they were on the campus map. I realize this is totally unrelated, but I think it would be interesting to see a similar technology merge in with Google Earth, or some other blog community that is grouped by state or friends list.

    I also realize that many find the idea of being tracked 24/7 frightening, but I'm certain there are those that love the idea of being able to see where friends are in real time in say, another country. It's very Big Brother (1984), but used in the private sector I think it might be pretty cool.

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 6, 07:53 PM
    Except for when one lacks the context to understand the content, right? ;)

    Enlighten me then, where am i wrong?

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  • Josias
    Sep 12, 12:29 PM
    Hmmmmm. Grifiin Technology are attending...

    I think we're up for:
    A new iCurve!

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  • fxtech
    Apr 12, 08:53 AM
    I don't know about anyone else, but at the 1 min mark where the "targets" are being shown, they definitely look like they are protruding/jumping off the screen. I certainly don't have any experience or knowledge of this technology, but as far as I am concerned that is 3D.

    It's not, because if you were staring directly at the screen, all you would see is targets of different sizes overlaying each other. It would not LOOK 3D, in the stereoscopic sense. This demo relies on MOVEMENT to fake a 3D effect, but you're still looking at objects on a 2D screen. Each eye does not see a different image, which is a requirement for a true 3D sterescopic effect.

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  • Thrash911
    Mar 6, 04:58 AM
    My desktop right now, with a sexy Z06:


    If interrested, the image can be found here:

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 7, 04:16 PM
    It can certainly be a secular democracy, where the Muslims, Christians (yes there are Christian Palestinians as well) and Jews live together. it doesn't necessarily have to be a Muslim state.

    That would be awesome, but if muslims are the majority, i have a bad feeling about what they will turn the country into. It would likely become a muslim state, and israel would not be able to remain secular.

    I have long believed that a secular, unitary state is the only right solution for Palestine. It can happen.

    Yeah, because muslims have a great track record when it comes to running their own countries. Of course there are a few exceptions, but they usually have a difficult time separating religion from politics. Islam isn't just a religion, its a political ideology for many of them. If the palestinians were mostly christian, this situation wouldn't be going on right now. The whole problem is the fact that they are muslim.

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  • kdarling
    Apr 29, 02:37 PM
    Android is not a consistent platform. A huge chunk of that "market share" is running 1.6 and is not compatible with anything in the Market.

    It would seem like that would be true, wouldn't it? But it's not.

    There are a lot of apps compiled to be compatible back to 1.6 that are usable by the third world tablets you're apparently talking about. If an app doesn't need newer API features, and many apps don't, a dev's not going to limit their audience by needlessly marking it for a later version. That goes for both iOS and Android.

    Of the tablets and phones made by members of the Open Handset Alliance that do have Market access built-in, 94% are on version 2.x.

    Also note that when Google says there are over 350,000 Android activations each day, that's only for devices that use Google Services. Which leaves out all those ~$100 tablets you're referring to.

    These comparison of a single device against a loose collection of largely incompatible devices is growing tiresome.

    Not sure they're any more "incompatible" than an iPhone 4 running the latest iOS and an original iPhone running 3.x or older. At least all the Android devices support multitasking.

    I made no mistakes. There is not a phone in the world that sold more then (sic) the Phone.

    Which iPhone? There have been four distinct models. As for best selling phones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_mobile_phones):

    Nokia 1100 .........(250 million)
    Nokia 3210 .........(150 million)
    Motorola RAZR V3 ...(130 million)
    Nokia 3310/3330 ... (126 million)
    iPhone 4 ...........( 30 million)
    iPhone 3GS......... ( 30 million)
    Samsung S5230 .... ( 30 million)
    Nokia 2100 .........( 20 million)
    iPhone 3G ..........( 15 million)
    LG Chocolate .......( 15 million)

    The original iPhone is down around 25th in that list, well below the Samsung Galaxy S, Blackberry Pearl, et al.

    Still and all, it's done amazingly well. Congrats to Apple.

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  • CalBoy
    May 1, 02:03 PM
    You realize he is talking about illegal immigrants...not immigrants don't you?

    I didn't see any mention of race either.

    Yes, I know, but like I wrote above, there are a lot of implications with how the conversation started out and unfolded.

    There's also a big difference between saying that your nation's immigration policies are flawed (which I can get behind in most cases) and saying that your country is being taken from you and you're somehow a 2nd class citizen now.

    Write what you mean and mean what you write.

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  • Eraserhead
    Oct 18, 05:44 PM
    I just had my 5G iPod replaced about a month ago. This iPod is one of the newer iPods that just came out.

    I have followed the Apple instructions to not use the equalizer, low light resolution, and try not to manuever the menus too much while playing the video, and that is what gets me to about 1:45 minutes.

    I use my iPod daily (M-F), and I charge it daily (M-F). I think the high usage is also the reason why my battery life is so low.

    But isn't the iPod made for this type of usage???

    Your battery should last at least a year or so with that usage (my 3g did), 1:45 is too low (sounds like my 5G iPod) you should send it back to Apple, btw what's the audio battery life like?

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  • MattInOz
    Apr 5, 02:19 AM
    Design has nothing to do with it. It is a function of availability of parts. If the parts are not being made yet, the phone can't be manufactured. I am hoping Apple is waiting for the second generation LTE chips.

    Well yes,..
    If the issue is purely the tech just isn't ready then throwing cash at it won't help.....

    but Apple has a big horde of Cash so if the issue with the parts is the economic risk of retooling to build them and ramp up production. Then that is something pre-buying maybe able to solve.

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  • Consultant
    Jul 29, 03:40 PM
    Wait, nerds, being beer snobs? No way.

    Researching to see how best to get apple engineers drunk perhaps?

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  • narcotic
    Apr 26, 12:58 PM
    looks nice....

    .... and now some more information about the next iPhone (4s or 5 or whatever the name will be)

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  • covisio
    Aug 4, 04:48 AM
    MotleyPete is a man of taste and distinction. Pay heed to his wise words.

    For those with beards and home knitwear, and who like a bit of cask beverage, may I recommend The Brewery Tap in Chester, UK (my home town).

    It's owned by local independent brewery Spitting Feathers and has their own products plus plenty of guest ales. It's situated in a magnificent Jacobean great hall, part of Gamul House, where King Charles I stayed in 1645 during the Battle of Rowton Moor (which he lost), prior to losing his head.

    The food is also good.

    I don't think they sell Bud., but I may be wrong.

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  • buffalo
    Jan 18, 05:35 AM
    Hasn't there been talk of an Apple Event on the 30th? (Or have I been mis-reading?)

    I haven't seen anything, but I could have missed it. January 30th is a Tuesday, so it is possible an event could be held that day.

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  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 19, 03:37 PM
    iCal has been a disaster for 4 OS X releases now. It is, without a doubt, Apple's worse application. It's missing functionality, basic functionality, that has been in every calendaring program since 1992.

    iCal is a sad example of Apple going to far to the extreme of minimization.

    All I really wanted in the last 2 OS updates was a decent iCal. It's the only thing on the Mac that continually hurts my productivity.

    I've learned that iCal is just the price of being a Mac guy, and I don't hope for greatness. Heck, I don't even hope for mediocrity. iCal is always going to be slow, inconsistent UI and barely usable.

    I'm at peace with that fact now.
    Such as what things are missing?

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  • shikimo
    Jan 19, 02:23 AM
    All i have to say is iLife 07 has to be pretty good if were still waiting for it.

    yeah, I hope so...but don't you sometimes feel like that's how they get us? Wait and wait and wait, and by virtue of the wait itself the product becomes better? The lack of MACS at MACworld is a perfect example. All of us dedicated mac (that is mac computer) users excitedly jabbering for months about new MBPs and minis ACDs and octo-core pros and iLife and iRocket and iWorks etc. and what do we get? Zilch. Nada, except a couple (admittedly cool) devices that don't do a thing for the computing experience. I use macs cuz they work better, and there are things to like about Apple as a company...but sometimes they make me feel like a lonely, caged, under-informed and taken-for-granted subject in a giant marketing experiment.

    OK so that's a bit dramatic, but y'all know what I mean??

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  • sam10685
    Jan 30, 12:15 AM
    I'm really bummed out by this. My Christmas present was a gift card to apple.com, so I could buy iLife '07 today. Instead there is nothing! Boo.

    i got a gift card too. to get a new laptop. i would get a new macbook right now. but i'm not... the model out right now has been out a while so i'm going to wait.

    Apr 27, 01:54 PM
    This is a huge nothing issue and the press is making a big deal about it because they are all libs and they hate corporations. They will do anything to make them look evil and out to get everyone. They also like to down success in any way possible.

    I have 2 iPhones, 2 iPods, 1 iPad and 2 MacBook Pros they can track until their hearts content if they want. I'd also like to track them myself so I'll keep those services turned on!

    I'd like to note that i know that Apple does not gather the tracking information. I am just saying if they wanted to they can, I don't care.

    Jan 2, 09:17 PM
    Poconos. I am conservative, but could not bring myself to vote for our conservative canadidates, but I did not want to support the democratic opposition, so I did not vote. Might of not been the smartest thing to do, but I'm young.

    Sep 12, 11:54 AM
    This isn't going to be a 'live stream'.

    It says "Live Broadcast" for me. Having worked in TV for the past 15 years, that usually means it's a live broadcast.

    Oct 17, 04:21 PM

    My school is filled with eMac G4s. Fastest one you can find in my school is 1.25 ghz. Not only are those machines slow, have no ram, they are also running under a SLOW server. So you can see why nobody likes Mac at my school.

    That is the same deal at my school! It's a shame our schools are "mac ghetto". :p

    Apr 11, 10:29 AM
    Liquidmetal sounds cooler than carbon fiber.

    yeah right now all we got is Solidmetal :)