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Kicked In The Face

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  • Yeldarb31
    May 3, 10:17 PM
    Apple suggests that all of the new iMacs are expandable to 16GB ram, but 16GB ram isn't even an option for the 21" iMacs through their online store. Are the 21" iMacs only upgradeable to 8GB? Or has Apple given up on up-selling maxed out ram on the lower, cheaper models bought by "cheap" customers? :confused:

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  • mrzeigler
    Mar 22, 07:19 PM
    Good, my iMac G4 began to act its age � but really only with PS3 � a couple of months ago. I plan to again max out the processor, memory and harddrive upgrades and get another 7.5 years out of this next one.

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  • Optimus Frag
    Apr 20, 10:58 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    With respect to all the "view with alarm" postings that will follow, this really doesn't mean anything. I leave my home at the same time every morning. The transponder in my car records my passage and debits my account with the state highway department. Traffic cameras record my license plate at several points during my journey. Once out of the car, my smiling phiz can be seen on any number of CCTVs en route to my office, whose door I open with a card that automatically records my entry. The IP address of this posting will reveal that I am sitting in my living room as I write. Even without the GPS turned on, my phone regularly initiates a conversation with the local cell tower. I can be found with almost pinpoint accuracy.

    So I'm not exactly going to panic to learn that my computer and phone keep a record of my latitude and longitude that they don't share with anyone else.

    The government already knows where I live, where I work, where I bank, and all kinds of other interesting information. It's how they collect their taxes and send me my mail.

    If there were the slightest indication that liberals, atheists, and other enemies of the state were being tracked by their GPSes and rounded up, I'd be the first to the barricades. But there isn't. Our privacy is not based on "nobody knows", it's based on "nobody cares."

    Precisely my feeling on the situation. If your not happy about the idea of being at all tracked and tagged I'm afraid it's not possible in today's interconnected electronic world. You have two choices, live with it and minimise what is recorded about you, which will severely limit the ways you have chosen to live your life thus far. Or the second choice. Give everything you have to charity, buy a quality survival knife in cash and move to the jungles of South America and live off the land, in a cave and hope that the Google Earth photography plane doesn't take a snap of you wiping your bum with a cocoa plant leaf.

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  • spicyapple
    Aug 23, 05:25 PM
    Creative declares 'war' on Apple's iPod (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/11/18/creative_vs_apple/)
    Digital music player maker Creative has pledged to spend $100m to out-market Apple in a bid to take the market away from the iPod.

    And not just Apple. Speaking in Singapore this week, Creative CEO Sim Wong Hoo bullishly pronounced: "I'm planning to spend some serious money - I intend to out-market everyone."
    I guess Creative just broke even. :)

    In other news, Creative has been granted permission to use the "Made For iPod" logo on their upcoming line of iPod accessories.

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  • BJNY
    Oct 12, 02:15 PM
    No, not like that at all. That one hurts my eyes. I mean there's one on there that's like the one I commented on, but same color clickwheel. Like this:


    Me want.

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  • Sydde
    Apr 18, 09:21 PM
    We need unions to protect people from abusive BS like this (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/12/walmart-contracted-warehouse-workers_n_848262.html). Either that or we just need to have a limit on how big a company can get before it has to become the property of the employees.

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  • zer0sum
    Mar 18, 07:06 PM
    It certainly has a huge amount to do with market share and therefore return on investment in creating malware.
    It all used to be done for fun and a little destruction and now its about the $

    Windows = ~87%
    OS X = ~6%
    IOS = ~2%
    Linux = ~1%
    Android = ~0.5%

    So...the malware authors can either put all the time and effort into an amazing exploit and payload that successfully owns 100% of the OS X devices in the world or they can bash something together that only needs to work out on a very small percentage of windows machines.

    Criminals are not generally the hardest working people in the world :)
    Which option do you think they are most likely to take?

    But there will come a time...simple as that!

    For now OS X is a nice place to be and with knowledge as an end user it is extremely easy to avoid being exploited.

    Certainly no need for AV unless you are situated in a company that mandates all end points must have AV regardless of OS and even then traditional AV is dead and should be combined with a complete endpoint security solution.

    I highly recommend getting your firewall and little snitch running on your mac to get some security and visibility of exactly what is happening under the hood.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 05:29 PM
    If you need 16 cores, shouldn't you get a rack with four Xserves (once the new Xserves with Intel-processors become available)?

    Sure, getting the same in one (quiet) box for the price of one box would be preferable but this is not available yet.

    Or, do you mean you want 16 cores but right now you are not willing to spent what it takes to get it.

    (Sorry for the tone, I would like to have 16 cores for my work as well.)What tone? Yeah I don't want to spend that much. I'm thinking $4k max for an 8 Core-In-One Mac Pro. I'm sure I'll be pretty happy with 8 until I find out I still have to wait a lot for video compressions to happen. Then I'll be right back here complaining about how 8 cores isn't enough either.I'm with you there. Although I don't do video compression but Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign work, I'm sure Adobe will manage to deliver a version of CS3 that still feels sluggish under 8 cores.Glad I won't be alone. :) We are an unusual small group finding a reason to need a lot of cores. I think those who don't don't understand us.I still wonder if all this video editing is personal or for profit. :rolleyes:Personal. I'm just trying to archive Television recordings - simple. But currently it takes longer than the shows run IE about 3x time spent watching, then crushing each show. That's a very time consuming thing to get hung up on. And I'm sure it makes no sense to 90% of those here.

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  • theelysium
    May 3, 04:08 PM
    I think there is an error on the iMac performance page.

    It shows:

    For i5

    Then for i7

    Shouldn't it show faster performance for the i7?:confused:

    I sent an email to someone who works on their website asking them to double check that.:D

    I thught was strange as well at first, but I believe that the comparison is between i5 1st gen vs 2nd gen and i7 1st gen vs 2nd gen.

    Perhaps they're comparing the old i7 to the new i7?

    I think Fraaaa is correct. I re-read the quote at the bottom which shows what they compared. They don't say specifically say how they conducted it, but they say the different models and there are two for each of course. The logical answer is that the i5 got a bigger performance boos then the i7, but Apple should have made that chart clearer and also offered another chart showing how much faster the NEW i5 was to the NEW i7. Having a third chart in the diagram would have easily cleared up any confusion when reading it.:cool:

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  • balamw
    Sep 21, 11:40 PM
    Already I hear people grumbling that downloading these sub-DVD quality movies taking couple of hours even with high speed cable connections. HD quality would be about 6-8 times larger in file size and could take a day to download. Not sure if we are there yet...in terms of bandwidth.
    Where do you get 6-8x 720p has only 3x the resolution and 1080i is just slightly higher than that. Only 1080p is 6-8x the raw resolution, but compression tends to work better if you give it more data to work with so birtates do not scale linearly with the number of pixels, and it can often be closer to a square root, so 720p might only be 2x as long as current movies with 1080p 3-4x.


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  • w00master
    Nov 14, 12:44 PM
    Serious, dude. You seem to be like those people who have their fingers in their ears singing "la, la, la, la, la I can't hear you".

    Apple is the copyright holder of those images and they provide the right to use those images in Applications running on macs via the API on a Mac running OS X. Rogue Amoeba was taking those images and distributing them via a WiFi network to another device where they have not licensed the display of those specific icons. This is really no different than if you licensed icons for use in your desktop application and then decided to use it in a few websites or a client server app without clearing it with the licenser first.

    Rogue Amoeba could avoided all of those trouble by supplying their own icons. It also appears from the screenshot that they were taking two icons from OS X and superimposing them on each other.

    There is one possibility that perhaps not been considered. What if Apple does not own the exclusive copyright to those images and has instead licensed them for a specific use within OS X on a mac and any other use would be a violation of that license?

    Sorry, but I disagree. Personally, it seems to me that the extreme fanboys have their fingers in their ears. I completely understand Apple's need to protect their trademarks and copyrights. However, in this case, I do not agree that Rogue Amoeba did ANY of this.

    Again, to quote Gruber:

    "the Airfoil Speakers Touch iPhone app does not contain any of these images. It contains no pictures of Apple computers. It contains no icons of Apple applications. It displays these images after they are sent across the network by Airfoil for Mac. Airfoil for Mac reads these images using public official Mac OS X APIs. I.e. Airfoil Speakers Touch can only show a picture of the Mac it is connected to because the image is sent from the Mac it is connected to."

    To continue on... these apologies and justification has been going on for a LONG time now on. Normally, I side with Apple. However, I'm sick and tired of people calling us "whiners" or continually try to justify "Apple's actions." I love Apple, but imho I am a CONSUMER first before I am a fan. Constantly hurting top tier developers hurts me as a consumer, because it potentially restricts the type of killer apps that can come out of the amazing iPhone platform. All I'm asking is for Apple to ease up a bit. Give these developers room to thrive.


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  • twoodcc
    Sep 10, 10:38 PM
    here's hoping to something good in the living room!*

    we'll see soon enough

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  • iLilana
    Apr 25, 02:03 PM
    I'm slowly becoming a skeptic I think. It would be cool to see what they would come up with though.

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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 02:55 AM
    To some extent, sure.

    The big difference is that in the UK you can get cars which do 55 miles per US gallon, one that does that - the �17,345 1.6 Econetic Ford Focus does nearly 62 miles per US gallon.

    And that car is made by a US company.

    55 miles to the gallon isn't even abnormal, a lot of standard hatchbacks/small family cars do that and more.

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  • valiar
    Sep 27, 04:18 PM
    You do realize DVD itself is heavily DRMed, although its CSS is easily cracked. Its Macrovision protection is flawed, and regional coding can be circumvented.

    If iTS movie DRM can be cracked, would it make it a better value for you? Why are we even comparing it to DVDs? If you wish to have the convenience of portable digital downloads, then it is a great service.

    I am comparing this iTMS stuff to DVDs because, duh, it costs the same.
    And media companies think that I should pay the same money for less stuff in return.

    The answer to your second question is YES. iTMS WILL be a better value for me if DRM was cracked, and Apple was not releasing iTunes nerfs to kill the DRM holes.

    DVDs are DRMed, but this DRM is hard-coded, cannot be updated, and has already been cracked. Apple, on the other hand, plays cat-and-mouse games with crackers and does update their DRM periodically (of course, to avoid troubles with RIAA/MPAA).

    Thus, no matter what they do, I am not buying their stuff. Until the price goes significantly down (read: cheaper than AllOfMP3.com).

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  • maflynn
    May 3, 10:52 AM
    Other then the CPU, there's not much to write home about.

    Its a nice and not unexpected speed bump. No complaints from me :)

    the wife has been wanting a new computer perhaps for her birthday I'll get her an imac

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  • NickFalk
    Apr 29, 08:28 AM
    Microsoft doesn't really play in the consumer / gadget / toy market, which simply means that you don't get to see most of their products unless you work in a corporate data center.

    Of course they play in the consumer / gadget / toy market.

    Zune, Kin, Xbox.

    They are just not particularly successful in these markets, despite pouring a lot of money into them.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 10:18 AM
    so, how does one go about getting the 1.2 update? It does not appear in my version of iTunes7Install Quicktime 7.1.3 (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/mac.html) then install iTunes 7 (http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/). Connect your 3-5G iPod. Updater will appear in the new iTunes when you highligh the iPod in the left column. Eazy Peezy. :)

    Hey everybody Big News
    NBC Today Show went High Definition today!

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 30, 06:36 PM
    screen prices are cheap and creative types would eat them up

    Not with that mirror. Professionals have been alienated by :apple: to go elsewhere *cough*Dell*cough* for options.

    Sure colours are bright and all with a glossy screen, however when reading text all day long, people eventually get a migraine coming along. I am not along with many other that will stay away from :apple: displays. Love my matte screen, can read on this thing for hours on end. :D

    Sep 12, 05:32 AM
    I, for one, would be happy to spread the Word to the ignorant masses if Apple came out with a cute little white tower to match everyone's cute little white iPod. :P The Mini's nice, and the new iMac is nice too, but I think this thing could help Apple a lot in the desktop segment. I'd say something like that's bound to come out at some point, but when is the big question.

    Also, it's probably been mentioned earlier in the thread, but does anyone know how long after Kentsfield Clovertown is supposed to come out? I heard "early 2007" a while ago, but with Kentsfield coming out so early, I would think Clovertown won't take that long.In two weeks at the Intel Developer's Conference in San Francisco, I think Intel will tell us exactly. But from what I've read recently, looks like Clovertown will be shipping no later than November. So looks like worst case scenario will force Steve to have to introduce 8 core Mac Pros in four months at the MacWorld Expo San Francisco SteveNote January 9, 2007. I don't see how he could wait any longer than that.

    Sure they will cost more than any previous Mac ever has, $4k is my guess, but to imagine there isn't a market for such a goliath is myopic in the extreme.

    Sep 10, 10:06 PM
    Actually, look at the Dell Precision 490 Workstation - going from dual 3.0 (Intel 5160) down to a dual 2.66 (Intel 5150) is $410/processor, or an $820 difference in price. Not Apple pushing that one.

    I'm guessing any 8-core machine will initially be a top-entry (ala "fastest") if it is introduced too soon, and not affect the whole lineup. Otherwise I will have more trouble convincing myself to buy the dual 3.0 now :). That Mac + iPod promo ends this week!I agree. It will probably cost about $4k. And I think it's conservative to guess it won't be here before Leopard since Leopard will probably be able to deal with all those cores a lot better than Tiger ever will. So unless you are prepared for another 6-8 month wait, you should go ahead and pull the trigger now. I need you to help drive up the demand for that expensive RAM now please. ;)

    Apr 28, 03:59 PM
    So, are we supposed to be proud about this? And if so, why has the same 'accomplishment' earned Microsoft the 'M$' reputation? Double morals?

    Illegal and abusive monopolistic practices, as opposed to a legitimate market domination based on innovation and organic growth.

    Dec 30, 09:15 AM
    What else can they say. Moving on.

    May 3, 11:19 AM
    At this price point and with these features - they may push even more customers away from the mac pro and towards the iMac. Even for some pretty heavy lifting, it's going to be a beast of a machine.

    I can say from experience that the i7 SB is a wonderful CPU. It competes with or beats the top end 6 core processors in apps that are not heavily multi-threaded.

    It's pretty nice that those dell 30 inchers are almost exactly the same size as the iMac.

    Absolutely. If going Mac Pro route you still need 3 ACD's. Going iMac route you just need two ACD's. I still doubt I will need the power of i7 for my PHP/MySQL coding but I will take it. :)