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Tattoo On Foot

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  • h00ligan
    Apr 20, 10:44 AM
    Has to have some back and forth that could be tracked.

    Incorrect. You're confusing it with a location device. However as traffic receivers become more pervasive and ask you to report back for data. Yes.

    Gps by default is not 2 way as I understand it.

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 30, 12:14 PM
    Here's a novel thought. Why doesn't Microsoft create something, you know, novel?

    Kinect Fastest Selling Gadget Ever (http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-03/10/kinect-fastest-selling-device)
    Microsoft Phone App turns normal pics into 3D models (http://www.geek.com/articles/mobile/microsoft-phone-app-turns-normal-pics-into-3d-models-20110325/)
    Microsoft invent 234 inch Touch Screen (http://www.technobolt.com/2011/03/28/microsoft-created-huge-234-inch-touchscreen-display-video/)

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  • daneoni
    Apr 30, 01:53 PM
    USB3 is dead tech. You'll never see it on a Mac.

    USB 3 is coming next year. The only reason Apple has yet to implement it is because Intel hasn't. But that will change in Ivy Bridge.

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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Sep 14, 10:41 AM
    Along with updated Apature, could Apple launch CS2 universal with Adobe?

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  • nick9191
    Apr 14, 03:35 PM
    Why doesn't Intel just not support USB 3 and allow Thunderbolt to be used on other manufacturers chipsets? I mean I'm all for competition, but if one port is obviously superior but could potentially fail due to lack of adoption..

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  • Tux Kapono
    May 3, 10:20 AM
    It's still cheaper to buy the Trackpad separately by buying the iMac anywhere else besides the Apple Store, since the Apple Store doesn't discount while charging state taxes.

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  • jafd
    Apr 25, 04:33 PM
    No, I don't think people can spontaneously tell the difference between aluminium and (stainless) steel. I'm talking about people with no knowledge about metallurgy whatsoever. Believe me, they have no idea. They don't know what is lighter and what is more durable. If I told people that my macbook is made out of silver they would believe me.

    Please tell me what country you are from so I never ever visit it, I'm just too scared of the undereducation your people have got there.

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  • angrylawyer
    Apr 22, 03:20 PM
    As long as it doesnt shudder with the OS X animations and it plays 1080p smoothly, why does it matter? Do people really game on an Air?

    I play simple games like portal and amnesia on it, and even those will get mine quite toasty.

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  • kedar
    Sep 14, 11:45 AM
    Hmmm, an Aperture update would be cool. I wonder if they would make any financial "concessions" to people who have recently purchased Aperture... :o

    I have just received two copies of Aperture - what is Apple's policy on this - do I just have to go and buy upgrade two weeks later. :(

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 12, 06:21 AM
    Unless, as mentioned earlier in this thread, that 3rd party hardware includes the ability to upgrade its firmware. In that case, all customers will be required to install a mandatory "security" bug fix which installs support for a new private key, and everything proceeds as normal.

    Heck, it's even possible that Apple might already have planned for this contingency, and instead of just having one private key, they may have come up with a set of many private keys to choose from, and also preprogrammed support for all of those keys into every properly licensed accessory. Maybe they just planned to use the first key up until it was compromised, and then move on to another.

    Now, they might just push a new iTunes upgrade that blacklists the compromised key and moves on to another one -- and at the same time, instruct all licensed equipment to also add that key to their own blacklist (while continuing to maintain seamless support for all the remainder of the preprogrammed keys) the next time the licensed equipment connects to an authorized audio source.

    (Unless, maybe the reverse engineer in this case already anticipated such an eventuality, and actually extracted all of the keys -- assuming, of course, that there really are multiple keys. If that were the case, then the reverse engineer hypothetically might have defeated the entire benefit that Apple might have derived from hypothetically having multiple keys to choose from in the first place...)

    What's a little crazy with that is you start to believe your own hypothetical, made-up engineering. Now, no one here knows anything for sure, but, I think we can say with some certainty that Apple won't be changing the key in iTunes.

    3rd party hardware includes the ability to upgrade its firmware
    Sweeping generalisation. Those simple iHome AirPlay speakers can be connected to a computer and then firmware upgraded? Very unlikely. Not every AirPlay licensed hardware is an expensive Hi-Fi amp with upgradable firmware.

    Heck, it's even possible that Apple might already have planned for this contingency, and instead of just having one private key, they may have come up with a set of many private keys to choose from
    Near enough pointless. If someone is able to get hold of one private key, they're in a position to get hold of any others. This guy dumped the ROM after all.

    The biggest reason for Apple not to change the key is it would break everything. A "mandatory "security" bug fix" isn't feasible for hardware, it would be like trying to organise a product recall - you could never tell everyone, and everyone would be wondering why their product suddenly broke - the companies behind these products would be swamped with support calls. You simply can't just bring out an update that breaks everything, hoping that customers will somehow update hardware that might not even be up-dateable.

    tl;dr - However Apple engineered this, it's almost certainly not like that ^

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  • elgrecomac
    Mar 30, 11:25 AM
    He will need to be a 'cunning linguist' to assist Microsoft.


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  • centauratlas
    Apr 4, 12:24 PM
    The San Diego news says the robbers were shooting at him, so I think his life was in danger. :-) 40 rounds of exchanged fire.

    Chula Vista is NOT La Jolla.

    If you don't want to be shot, don't rob a store and better yet don't rob a store carrying a gun with other people carrying guns.

    I'm as pro gun rights as anyone, but this sounds like a problem for the security guard. Unless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.

    That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.

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  • Machead III
    Aug 29, 03:39 AM
    Shipping date on the 1.83Ghz White MB is 5-7 days. On the rest of the MBs it's 3-5.

    All other comps are 24hr, apart from the iMacs which are 1-2.

    Has it been like this for a while already? Is this because of shortages, or is it a sign?

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  • Bawstun
    Apr 20, 01:03 PM
    This is really, really, REALLY bad for Apple. Bad publicity - and quite alarming.

    I've had every model iPhone, had iMacs, iPads, iPods and even I am concerned. This is not okay.

    Lawsuits are coming.

    Just wonder how long it will take and if it will be class action or not. Days? Weeks? Months? Probably not months.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 19, 07:19 AM
    I think you mean 4% of 142 million $.....

    Samsung's worldwide turnover was only 138.4 billion for 2010. So I'm guessing Apple buys about $6 billion.

    I was thinking the same thing... the numbers didn't make sense.

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  • iCrizzo
    Apr 30, 02:20 PM
    I have had my iMac for about 9 months.. looks like it will be going on Craigslist next week!! ;)


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  • CrackedButter
    Sep 19, 04:29 PM
    As I stated in a few posts up I'm not that happy with the pricing of the iTunes Movies, but, if I were to buy any I would quickly run into a huge problem - STORAGE! I have an iBook with 60 GB drive and it's almost full from other stuff.

    Apple should come out with a home storage network server with RAID, etc.

    Err, buy an external HD or upgrade your iBook HD!

    I have a 1Ghz iBook with a 80GB HD (upgraded it myself) and 2 160GB firewire HD's so what was your point?

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  • Gatorman
    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    here we go again

    apple are on fire at the moment.....bring it on

    I was thinking the very same thing! :rolleyes:

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 5, 04:40 PM
    Indeed it is. Microsoft is simply DEAD after 12th of September...Apple is finally gonna reach the status of market leader in media and computers...this is gonna be mindblowing.

    How long after September 12th? Certainly not anytime in the forseeable future. I wouldn't even dare to speculate on such a reversal of fortune for a company like Microsoft.

    Personally, I wouldn't want Apple to be that big. It's easier to lose sight of quality when your userbase is pretty much the entire world. That's not to say Apple wouldn't do it better than Microsoft, but since Apple's install base has grown, so has the problems with their products. Of course, that's just simple numbers (of which I really suck :) .) Perhaps the percentage has always been the same, but on the surface, it doesn't seem like that is the case. There are a lot of people complaining about random shut-downs on their macbooks.

    Oct 27, 11:51 AM
    Good for Apple. Get those tree hugging hippies out of there. Everytime Greenpeace complains Steve Jobs kills a baby seal.I think Steve Jobs considered himself one of those hippies. He only eats organic foods and is a vegan. He rides a bike too. We saw him ride to Stanford Shopping Center a couple months ago. I doubt he likes any group affecting his bottomline, but I bet he's pushing to make things more environmentally friendly. Plus, there's plenty of places to recycle electronics and I'm not sure why corporations are being held responsible. I'd imagine waste managment companies could offer that service as they do recycling for other products. I'm a firm believer that it's an individuals responsibility to recycle, but companies need to make an effort in the production process as well.

    Sep 9, 12:47 PM
    We won't see any real change until we hit Santa Rosa.

    Kentsfield is two Conroes on a single die. They don't share cache like the previous Pentium D chips. So they'll each have 4 MB of cache and then communicate over the front side bus.This is why I think Apple has got to be thinking about how they can put Kentsfield and then Tigerton - or perhaps beginning with Tigerton if it's a lot cooler - into the next generation of iMacs. If they stick with Merom, they will not get to four mobile cores for another 1-2 years at the soonest - as I understand the roadmap.

    Do we know Kentsfield pricing yet? Probably not.

    I think a redesign of the iMac's cooling system is imperative so that they can keep Kentsfield/Tigerton cool inside the new design - at least in the 23" model + a 30" model next year. I like the perforated edge approach as a best possible solution depicted here in this 30" aluminum iMac mock-up (I have no idea who created this - sorry). I'm thinking the bottom and top edges would want to be perforated as well. In this mock-up, it's not clear they are.

    Body could still be plastic. But Aluminum is a great heat conductor so the whole body would be air cooling the insides like non-fan aluminum hard drive cases do today.

    Aug 23, 05:39 PM
    I hope this eventually leads to Sound Blaster support for macs.
    dought that very much there are better sound cards on the market

    Mar 20, 04:38 PM
    Is there some reason you feel the need lash out at people?
    Only at shills, and I hardly consider them people.
    You seem to be utterly oblivious to the whole point of the message which is that OSX is not invulnerable by any means, which seems to be the fanboy mantra of the week.
    You seem to be intent on ignoring the fact that whatever vulnerabilities exist in OS X, antivirus software does nothing to reduce them and can actually add new vulnerabilities. There's only one reason I can think of for taking that stance, and that is that you're income depends on it.

    Apr 20, 06:49 PM
    Sorry [/puts on apple shades] WHOA! I see now! Steve Jobs is actually GOD!!!!

    Now you're getting it!